Flea12’s, Clay Blair, Boulevard Recording, Los Angeles, USA

Clay Blair

Los Angeles, USA

 “One of the few “new” manufacturers of microphones that we endorse. We have a pair and they’re wonderful. They sound exactly like the old C12’s except with the restored high end that most old C12’s have lost over the years. We recently did a shoot out with a pair of original C12’s. As cool as they were, the Flea’s were way more consistent and had a far more natural response. Our favorite drums overheads since we bought them 4 years ago. Nothing quite sounds as 3 dimensional.”


What Other Flea12 Owners Say...

Flea47, Flea12, Pair Of Flea50 – Image Et Son, Switzerland


 We could test all the mics on the grand piano this morning in many possible

The Flea47 And Flea12 Were Compared To Other Prestigious Microphone In The Studio Of Philippe Labroue In Paris.

Paris, France

 Extracts from Philippe Labroue’s review: “The manufacturer of the Flea12 and 47 are true instrument

Flea47, Flea12 – Bobo Kantor, Composer, Producer, Barrandov Studios Praha, Czech Republic

Czech Republic

 I´ve used microphone Flea47 for recording a movie soundtrack with the Prague Philharmonic orchestra as