Flea12’s, Clay Blair, Boulevard Recording, Los Angeles, USA

Clay Blair

Los Angeles, USA

 “One of the few “new” manufacturers of microphones that we endorse. We have a pair and they’re wonderful. They sound exactly like the old C12’s except with the restored high end that most old C12’s have lost over the years. We recently did a shoot out with a pair of original C12’s. As cool as they were, the Flea’s were way more consistent and had a far more natural response. Our favorite drums overheads since we bought them 4 years ago. Nothing quite sounds as 3 dimensional.”


What Other Flea12 Owners Say...

Flea47, Flea12, Flea Fester – The Dead Horses: (Studio Sessions June, 2004)

 “We used FLEA Fester for micking all distorted guitar tracks and were very surprised by