Flea47, Bob Giovannetti, Crystal Pig Studio

Bob Giovannetti

 “Favorite pic of my custom Flea47…plated in black gold!
Client: Ted Donatelli at Crystal Pig Studio”


What Other Flea47 Owners Say...

Flea47, Vinnie Castaldo, The Tone Factory, Las Vegas

Las Vegas, USA

 “Here’s a couple pics of Eddie Levert …”

Flea47 And Flea12, Paul Svenson – Svenmix

 “I must commend you on these beautiful microphones. The 47 you just built for me

Mike Valentine Again – Splendid Recordings Along With The Exceptional Photos Flea50’s, Flea47’s, Mike Valentine, London, United Kingdom

United Kingdom

 “I have recently created 2 new LPs. The first was directly cut to vinyl at